1905 Census for Wells

Also Ogunquit (see notes below)

This census was taken by students at the University of Maine and includes such information as family groups, addresses (post office) and occupations. It is taken from the Town Register, compiled by Mitchell, Daggett, Goodyear, Bassett and Russell.

Please read these notes:

Where no address is specified Wells (incorrectly called Wells Beach)  is understood. Other post offices are listed following the name and occupation.  At this time Ogunquit was part of Wells. It became a village within Wells in 1913 and did not completely separate from Wells until 1980.
Maiden names are indicated by ( ). Married names are indicated by (married name)
Please note that the word pupil indicates that the child attended a lower grade school and includes all children over the age of 5. The word student indicates an upper level school such as a high school.

There are a few abbreviations used which were not explained; I will leave those to your imagination unless I find evidence elsewhere to support my own theory.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z



Adams, Frank B  fish  Ogunquit
    Lizzie (Hutchins)     housework
    Howard F    student
    Robert M    pupil
    Kenneth R

Adams, Geo A    boarding ho    Ogunquit
    Jennie H    (May)    housework
    Addie L    (married Penney)    housework
    Maud E    (married Hutchins)    housework
    Winifred    (married Brooks)    housework
    Alfaretta E    housework
    Edith R    student

Adams, Orrin    farmer    Ogunquit
    Rose E    (Moody)     housework
    Lowell    farm work
    Edna    pupil
    Everett    pupil
    Clayton    pupil
    Nelson    pupil

Allen, Leonard    retired
    Sarah     (Green)    housework
    Frederic    farmer
    Leonard J    mill man
    Chas    farmer
    John    farmer
    Mabel     (married Hill)    housework
    *Nellie    (married Eaton)    housework    Dover, NH

Allen, Henry P    farmer
    Francena    (Allen)    housework
    Harvey W    pupil
    Carl H    pupil
    Ruby K    pupil
    Marion N    pupil
    Myron    pupil
    Hazel    pupil
    Newton J

Allen, Walter    farmer    Berwick Branch
    Margaret    (Sargent)    housework
    *Edgar    box mill    North Berwick
    *Mary    housework    North Berwick
    Alton E.    farmer
    Ella    (married Kimball)    housework
    Sadie    housework

Allen, Amos    farmer    Berwick Branch
    Marilla E    (Clark)    housework

Allen, Alton    farmer    Berwick Branch
    Ora    (Welch)    housework
    Henrietta    pupil
    Walter    pupil

Allen, E J    farmer    Berwick Branch
    Emma T    (Gray)    housework
    Arthur J    pupil
    Marguerite    pupil

Allen, Leonard Jr    mill man
    Honora    (Stevens)    housework

Allen, Willis W    butcher
    Emma     (Wheelwright)    housework

Allen, Freeman S    farmer    North Berwick
    Maude E    (Otis)    housework
    Curtis S
    Hazel A

Anderson, Wm R    far & blk    North Berwick 2
    Annie M    (Bennett)    housework
    *Eula M    milliner    Boston

Annis, Roscoe S    farmer
    Adeline C    (Stevens)    housework
    Guy R    trunk maker
    *Chester L    box maker    North Berwick
    Robert E    pupil

Austin, Wm    farmer

Averill, Daniel S    car

Avery, Newell A     F B clerg    RFD #1
    Sarah C    (married Goodwin)    housework
    *Ora E    (married Wendell)    housework    19 Hanover, Cambridge, Mass


Bailey, Mary E    (Bragdon)    RFD #1
    *Minnie F    (married Bragdon)    housework    S Weymouth, Mass

Baird, Mrs S H    retired

Baker, Ella    (Kimball)

Baker, Chas W    carpenter
    Ella    (Littlefield)    housework

Barker, Wilbur    farmer
    Fred R    pupil

Barker, Hannah H    (Eaton)    RFD #1
    Wilbur H    farmer
    *Winona A    (married Black)     housework    Medford, Mass
    *Abbie E    (married Willis)    housework    Medford, Mass
    *John L    Portsmouth, Va

Boston, Edward    farmer
    Hattie    (Hilton)    housework
    Leroy E    pupil
    Ralph H    pupil
    Victor L    pupil
    Violet C    pupil

Boston, Geo    farmer    Berwick Branch

Boston, Samuel G    farmer    Berwick Branch

Boston, Woodbury    farmer    N Berwick RFD #1
    Laura E    (Bennett)    housework

Bean, Alice M    pupil

Bean, John     lab   
    Helen    (---)    nurse

Bedell, Frank    farmer    Berwick Branch
    Clara    (Tufts)    housework
    Mildred    pupil

Bennett, Woodbury    N Berwick RFD #2
    Mary     (Sargent)    housework
    *Blanche    (married Plaisted)    housework    No Berwick
    *Maude    (married Cole)    No Berwick

Bennett, Oliver    general work    N Berwick RFD#    2
    Emma F    (Kenney)    housework

Bennett, Louis    farmer    Wells Depot

Berry, John E    engineer
    Annie    (---)    housework

Bickford, Herbert W    traveling salesman    Ogunquit
    Grace E    (Perkins)    housework

Boardman, Etta A    (Cochran)    summer resident     Ogunquit

Bodge, C Thorton    mail carrier   
    Grace    (Rankin)    housework

Boothby, John W    retired    Elms 
    Georgiana    (Nash)    housework

Boston, Abbie A    (Winn)    housework    Moody
    *Chas M    merchant    Los Angeles, Cal
    *Georgia E    (Trickey)    housework    146 Central ave, Dover, N H
    Geo M    farmer
    Edmund    farmer
    Wm T    clerk
    Ernest A    farmer
    *Frank S    painter    146 Central ave, Dover, N H

Boston, Nahum    farmer    Cape Neddick, RFD #1
    Emily    (Chaney)    housework
    *Nellie J    (married Libby)    housework    N Lebanon
    *Addie B    (married Johnson)    housework    Sanford
    John E    fireman
    *Everett N    freight handler    Boston
    Lester C    brakeman    B & M railroad

Boston, Catherine    (Trafton)    Ogunquit
    *Joseph F    stone mason    North Berwick
    *Mary E    (married Ham)    housework    Wolfsboro, N H
    Martha E    (married Littlefield)    housework
    *Geo C    general work    South Berwick

Boston,    Geo M    farmer    Moody
    Mabel E    (Johnson)    housework

Bourne, Moses A    farmer    Moody
    Grace W    (Card)    housework
    Ethel E
    Doris I

Bourne, Clara E    (Young)    housework    Moody
    Joseph S    farmer
    Moses A    farmer

Bourne, Joseph S    farmer    Moody
    Annie M    (Moody)    housework
    Evelyn M
    Bernice E

Bragdon, Daniel W    cattle dir    No Berwick RFD #2
    Emma    (Perkins)    housework
    Roger S    cattle dir
    Margaret    student
    Bessie A    pupil

Bradgon, Sewall    farmer & cattle dir    N Berwick RFD #2
    Ann L    (Littlefield)  housework
    Emily A    housework
    Daniel W    cattle dir

Bragdon, Mary E    (Smith)    housework
    *Wm W    teamster    32 Lexington, Waltham, Mass
    Lester H    general work
    Beatrice F    pupil
    Keith R    pupil
    Vaughn K    pupil

Bragdon, Johnson    retired    Ogunquit
    Alice L    (married Thomas)     housework

Bragdon, Miriam    (married Clark)     housework    Wells Depot
    Wm H    farmer & teamster

Bragdon, Wm H    teamster    Wells Depot
    Ida G    (Otis)    housework

Bragdon, Moses H    retired    RFD #1
    Mary P    (Buzzell)    housework

Bragdon, Hannah E    (Eaton)    RFD #1
    *Clarence    ins bus    Hartford, Conn
    *Geo C    farm over    Andover, Mass
    Herbert S    farmer & lumberman

Bragdon, H S    farmer & lumberman    RFD #1
    Bertha M    (Stevens)    housework
    Orson H

Bragdon, Mary C    housework    Elm

Bragdon, Geo L    farmer
    Millie K    (McKenzie)    housework
    Lester L    student
    Edith M    pupil

Bragdon, Aaron    farmer    Berwick Branch
    *Maria    (married Bignall)    housework    Somersworth, N H
    Geo L    farmer

Bragdon, Aaron    farmer    Berwick Branch
    Hattie    (Hasty)    housework

Bragdon, B    farmer    Berwick Branch

Bridges, Burt A    farmer
    Etta    (Miller)    housework
    Ellsworth L
    Carl F

Bridges, Wm    laborer
    Mabel L    (Eaton)    housework
    Bessie M    pupil
    Daisy S    pupil
    Bertie F    pupil
    Goldie L
    Forest C

Bridges, Alonzo    laborer
    Dawn E    (Wissell)    housework
    Sidney N

Bridges, Joseph    laborer
    Lydia    (Kimball)    housework
    Wm H    laborer
    Ernest    pupil
    Ella    pupil

Bridges, Joseph    retired    box 2
    Almira    (Hilton)
    Emma J    (married Matthews)     housework
    Joseph    laborer
    *Charles H    farmer    Berwick
    Wm    woodsman
    Burleigh    laborer
    Lizzie    (married Miller)    housework
    Alonzo    laborer
    Amanda    (married Perkins)    housework
    Estella    housework

Briggs, Harry I    RR fireman    N Berwick RFD #2
    Lillian    (Littlefield)

Brooks, Geo W    grocer    Ogunquit
    Winnifred    (Adams)    housework
    Grace W
    Edgar P

Brooks, Martha    (Littlefield)
    Warren A    fisherman
    *Wm W    shoe op    Somersworth, N H

Brooks, Warren A     fisherman    Ogunquit
    Ann E    (Heath)    housework
    Geo W    grocer
    *Louie M    (married Searles)    housework    South Eliot
    Frank P    chef & fisherman
    Lizzie A    (married Ramsdell)    housework
    Sewall O    general work
    Maud E    waitress
    Ethel G    waitress
    Eva M    pupil
    Martha L    pupil
    Ardell G    pupil
    Gordon D    pupil
    Bertha L    pupil
    Leslie W
    Ernest R

Brooks, Jas    fisherman    Ogunquit
    *Nellie T    (married Webber)    housework    Kittery
    Amelia M    (Smith)    housework

Brown, John A    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Vienna    (Clark)    housework
    *Fred C    traveling salesman    52 Robert, Portland
    *Chas H    grocer    Kennebunk
    *Albert R    traveling salesman    23 Madison, Bangor

Brown, Fred A    laborer
    Nellie M    (Littlefield)    housework
    Eugene R    pupil

Buffum, Mrs Susie H    housework
    Anna M    (married Durrell)    landlady & dress maker

Buker, Frank L    station agent    Wells Depot
    Lydia J    (Hatch)    housework

Burns, Matthew    blacksmith    RFD #1
    Clementine C    (Jones)    housework
    E Flossina    housework

Burns, Sumner C    pupil

Burns, Helena    pupil

Burns, Milton    pupil

Burns, Mary E    (married York)    Ogunquit     mill operator
    Nellie    (married Davis)

Burrill, Hannah M    (Grover)
    Vina    (married Phillips)    housework
    Emma L    (married Shaw)    housework
    *Chas W    farmer    E Saugus, Mass
    *Edward A    shoe maker    Saugus Ctr, Mass
    *Otis    station agent    E Saugus, Mass

Butland, Daniel    farmer

Buzzell, Arthur    farmer
    Celia    (Donnell)    housework
    Ralph    pupil

Buzzell, Geo O    retired
    Helen E    (Crane)    housework
    Lizzie M    housework


Caine, Herbert    lumberman
    Etta    (Smith)    housework
    *Lena    NY

Caine, Ella    (Caine)    nurse
    Carrie B    (married Hatch)    housework

Caine, John    farmer
    Sarah    (Bacon)    housework
    Martha    housework
    Henry A    laborer
    Roswell    laborer
    Ella    housework

Caine, Joseph    contractor & builder
    Nellie A    (Hamblin)    housework

Campbell, Chas H    farmer    RFD #1
    Angelina    (Morrill)    housework
    Jas H    sawyer
    *Daniel W    factory operator    Kennebunk
    *Geo     farmer    Western Canada
    *Alice A    (married Hamilton)    housework    S Berwick
    Alonzo    mill operator
    Melville    pupil

Cantello, Herbert E    traveling salesman
    Kathryn E    (Sommerman)
    Kathryn C    pupil

Card, Emily    (West)    N Berwick RFD #2
    Wm W    farmer

Cardes, Sarah B    (Davis)    housework    Moody
    Mabel F    (married Kimball)
    *Chas H    factory foreman    Brockton, Mass
    *Wm H    insurance agent    Haverhill, Mass

Carroll, Wm H    retired
    Sarah A    (Holbrook)    housework

Carson, Earl R    pupil    RFD #1

Chadbourne, Isaiah    RR ser   
    Julia     (Hatch)    housework

Chadbourne, Clara    (Eaton)    housework
    Isaiah    section hd
    Josephine    (married Perkins)    housework

Chadbourne, C W    Wells Depot    RR steel layer
    Minnie B    (Allen)    housework

Chaney, Geo F    farmer
    Ellen    (Kimball)    housework
    Ralph M    farmer

Chaney, Ira    retired
    Sarah A    (York)    housework
    Josiah    laborer
    *Ira    R E agent    Saugus, Mass
    *Wm     RR ser    Dover, N H
    *Geo     belt maker    Dover, N H
    *Abbie F    (married Roberts)    Dover, N H

Chaney, Ralph M    farmer
    Bessie    (Leeman)    housework

Chaney, Wm W    mill work    N Berwick RFD #2
    Mabel V    (Jenckes)    housework

Chapman, Susan F    (married Hatch)    N Berwick RFD #2
    Frank H    carpenter

Chapman, Frank H    carpenter    Ogunquit
    Nellie F    (Card)    housework
    Rupert    student

Chase, Fannie M    (Littlefield)    N Berwick RFD #2
    Sadie E    housework
    *Wilmer L    box factory    N Berwick
    Harold D    pupil

Cheney, Abner    retired
    Lizzie A    (Huff)    housework

Cheney, Geo A    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Mary L    (Grover)    housework
    Ethel M    teacher
    Grover    pupil
    Sibyl E    pupil

Cheney, Howard E    farmer    N Berwick
    Annie O    (Jellison)    housework
    Carlton E
    Roy J

Cheney, Alfred     farmer     N Berwick
    Lucy M    (Leighton)    housework
    Harold    pupil

Cheney, Ivory    farmer    N Berwick
    Geo Franklin    farmer
    Olive    (married Jepson)    housework
    *Sophronia     (married McRillis)    N Berwick
    Julia F    (married Littlefield)
    Alfred I    farmer
    Howard E    farmer

Cheney, James    farmer    N Berwick
    Mary F    (Moulton)    housework
    Alice    (married Littlefield)    housework

Cheney, Albion K P    N Berwick

Cheney, Hiram    farmer    N Berwick

Cheney, James H    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Martha A    (Ricker)    housework
    Flossie    pupil
    Chester J    pupil

Cheney, Josiah H    farmer &  teamster    N Berwick RFD #2
    Lizzie E    (Littlefield)    housework
    *Abbie S    (married Bradford)    housework    10 Matthews Ct, Dover N H
    *Ella F    housework    10 Matthews Ct, Dover N H
    Beatrice L    pupil
    Josiah F    pupil

Chick, Sylvanus D    farmer & carpenter     Wells Branch
    Susan O    (Chick)    housework
    Waldo W

Chick, Samuel M    retired    Wells Branch
    *Hannah    (married Daniels)    Kennebunk
    Sylvanus D    farmer & carpenter

Chick, Olive G    (Wells)    Wells Branch
    Orlando    station agent B & M RR
    *Mary O    (married Stevens)    housework    74 Washbourne Av, Portland

Chick, Thomas A    carpenter     RFD #1
    Aurena A    (Littlefield)    housework
    Joshua L    general work
    David    farmer
    Thomas A Jr    blacksmith & carpenter
    Susan O    (married Chick)    housework
    Clarissa W    housework
    Frances A A    housework

Chick, Orlando    station agent    Wells Branch
    Juliett    (Littlefield)    housework
    *Guy I    farmer    Kennebunk

Chick, Mary    (Wells)    housework
    *John    R R service    Medford, Mass

Churbuck, Clara    (Grover)    RFD #1
    *Florence    book keeper    Dover, N H
    Harry W    farmer
    *Marshall    meat bus    Cambridge, Mass

Chute, Elbridge H    farmer
    Margaret    (Hilton)    housework
    Fred A

Clark, Austin A    farmer    RFD #1
    Olive M    (Forbes)    housework
    Asa F    pupil
    Richmond A    pupil
    Clifford M    pupil

Clark, Harry E    Sawyer
    Annie F    (Banks)

Clark, Edw J    butcher    Wells Depot
    Meriam    (Bragdon)    housework

Clark, Nathan E    farmer    RFD #1
    Elizabeth V    (Quin)    housework
    *Frank N    farmer    So Dakota
    *Edwin D    farmer    Sioux Falls, So Dakota
    *Howard J    merchant    Boston

Clark, Joseph B    Ogunquit    deputy sheriff
    Nellie F    (Snow)    housework
    Carroll H    pupil
    Leslie W    pupil

Clark, Jas O    millwright
    Mary L    (married Hubbard)    housework
    *Geo A    machinist    Sanford

Clark, Chas E    farmer & P M     Elm
    Alice S    (Blackstone)    housework
    Frank L    station agent

Clark, Edwin R    farmer    RFD #1
    Marcia    (Webber)    housework

Colby, Richard    optician    N Berwick RFD #2
    Emma H    (Rhines)    housework
    Abbie    (married Hall)    housework

Colby, Jackson    carpenter & farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Emma     (Ricker)    housework
    Wm    farmer
    Mary    (married Drown)    housework
    *Phoebe    (married Hovey)    NY
    *Carrie    mill operator    N Berwick

Colby, Wm G     farmer    N Berwick    RFD #2
    Sadie O    (Getchell)
    Clarence    pupil
    Wm G    pupil
    Ernest    pupil
    Raymond    pupil

Colburn, E E    clergyman
    Frances A    (Willey)

Coldon, Eva B    druggist    Ogunquit

Cole, Orrin    fish peddler & painter    Ogunquit
    Fannie    (Webb)    housework
    Mary    (married Perkins)    housework

Cole, Geo    carpenter & mason    Ogunquit
    Eliza O    (Adams)    housework

Cole, Elmer J    farmer    RFD #1
    Abbie E    (Littlefield)    housework

Cook, Weston    teamster
    Sadie M    (McFarland)    housework
    Wm F    pupil
    Eva L
    Florence M

Costello, Annie H    (married Wells)
    *Louis B    Lewiston    business manager Daily Sun
    *Sadie M    reporter    Lewiston

Cousens, Wilbur F    Ogunquit    mer. Ins & real est

Cowles, Frank M    artist    Ogunquit

Cram, Henry    farmer
    Mollie    (---)
    Herbert    student
    Hattie    pupil
    Lancey    pupil
    Eddie    pupil

Crane, Henry H    retired
    Lucy H

Curtis, Harriet N

Currier, Lydia J    (Littlefield)


Davis, Dependence F    farmer    RFD #1
    Abbie H    (Robinson)    housework
    Alta    housework
    James A    pattern maker
    *Geo S    farmer    Idaho
    *Chas D    R R service    Calif

Davis, Gorham S    blacksmith
    Mary    (Pyne)    housework
    *Herbert    clerk    Boston
    Mabel R    student
    Chas H    student
    Marion W

Davis, Katherine    (Mulchinock)
    *Walter D    book keeper    Springfield, Mass
    John M    P M
    *Julia F    (married Perkins)    housework    Oak Park, Chicago, Ill

Davis, J M    P M
    Owen, M    pupil

Davis, John O    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Melissa A    (Williams)    housework
    *Ella B    (married Chase)    Dover, N H
    *Abbie M    weaver    Sanford

Davis, Chas A    retired    Ogunquit
    Mary     (Parsons)    housework

Davis, Edgar    laborer    Ogunquit
    Nellie    (Burns)    housework
    Arthur    box factory
    Eugene    box factory
    Allen    pupil

Day, Florence A    teacher

Day, Walter J    R R service    N Berwick RFD #2
    Mabel    (Goodwin)    housework
    Harland J

Desbanes, Thomas    laborer    Ogunquit
    Domethile    (Fortier)    housework
    Albert    pupil
    David    pupil   

Deshons, Melville    farm work
    Annie H    (---)    housework

Devine, Wm    farm work    N Berwick RFD #2

Dexter, Samuel    fisherman    Ogunquit

Dixon, Geo F    farmer    Ogunquit
    Patie L    (Boston)    housework
    Goodale A    pupil
    Alice L    pupil
    Clara G    pupil

Dixon, Woodbury    farmer    Ogunquit
    Clara J    (Cheney)    housework
    Wilmont O    farmer

Dixon, W O    farmer     Ogunquit
    Lizzie    (Winn)    housework
    Delia L    pupil
    Flora E    pupil
    Wm W   

Dodge, Geo H    merchant
    Harriet E    (married Bowley)    housework
    *Geo E    s s work    30 Davenfort, Haverhill, Mass   
    *Alma E    (married Howe)    housework    587 Pleasant, Brockton, Mass

Dockam, Leonard M    mail carrier    N Berwick RFD #2
    Lulu M    (Mason)    housework

Dockam, Geo N    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Mary E    (Furbush)    housework
    Julia A    (married Hatch)    housework
    Leonard M    mail carrier

Donnell, Marcellus    laborer    No Berwick RFD #2

Downing, Natl J    retired
    *Annie    (married ---)    housework    Gloucester, Mass
    *Warren    fireman    Lynn, Mass
    *Clarence    s s work    Lynn, Mass

Dunnell, Aaron J    fisherman    Ogunquit
    *Raymond C    moulder    19 Orchard, Lawrence, Mass
    Clara A    (Gerald)    housework
    Annie B    pupil

Durrell, Chas M    meat dlr
    Anna M    (Buffum)    land lady & dress maker
    Chester M    general work
    Roy W     student
    Guy M    pupil


Earle, Wm H    carpenter     Moody
    Lillian C    (Johnson)    housework
    Roland A    pupil
    Agnes V    pupil
    Warren N    pupil

Earle, Martin E    laborer    Moody

Earle, Geo W    carpenter    Moody
    Lizzie M    (Littlefield)    housework
    Lillian H    pupil

Eaton, Henry O    farmer    RFD #1
    Josephine    (Eaton)    housework
    *Grace F    (married Kirkpatrick)    Dorchester, Mass
    Daniel W    laborer
    Nathaniel G    pupil

Eaton, Harriet    housework    N Berwick RFD #2

Eaton, John F    farmer
    Lillian O    (Hatch)    housework
    Lesley R    farmer
    Frank E    pupil
    Grace A    pupil

Eaton, Christopher    farmer & fisherman
    *Gladys    waitress    59 East Concord, Boston
    Jennie A    (Winn)    housework

Eaton, Chas    farmer
    *Emma F    (married Bean)    housework    Dover, N H
    *Orrin C    teamster    Woodfords
    Wm H

Eaton, Wm H    station agent & ex agent
    Edith J    (Smith)    housework
    *Lillian M    (married Goodwin)    Somerville, Mass
    *Albert J    station agent    No Berwick
    Eva M    student
    *Agnes G    (married Davis)    housework    Somerville, Mass
    *Carl C    station agent    Kennebunk Beach

Eaton, John     retired    Ogunquit

Eaton, Joseph D    farmer
    *Georgia A    (married Conner)    housework    W Troy
    Laura J    (Littlefield)    housework
    *Etta M    Washington D C    computing clerk naval observatory
    *Joseph M    machinist    26 Ruggles, Providence, R I
    *Benj M    stove polish manufacturing    Kennebunk
    *Nancy A    stenographer    8 St James, Boston
    *Luella    teacher    Needham, Mass
    *Alanson L    clerk    Middlesex, Lowell, Mass

Eldredge, Rhoda    (Moody)    housework
    Edward S    laborer
    *Nellie F    (married Goodwin)     housework    Lawrence, Mass
    *Lizzie V    (married Howard)    housework    Onset, Mass

Ellis, Wentworth    blacksmith    Ogunquit
    *Mabel B    (married McKay)    housework    Truro, N Scotia
    *Wilbur T    tel operator    Denver, Col
    *Whilhemina    (married Parker)    Berwick, Kings Co, NS
    *Joseph L    painter    Winnepeg, Can

Emery, Edna    (Houston)    housework    No Berwick RFD #2
    Walter    trapper
    *Julia    (married Dean)    Lawrence, Mass   
    *Alonzo    book keeper    Lynn, Mass


Farnham, Mark    butcher & farmer    RFD #1
    Velma    (Nason)    housework

Farnham, Flora    nurse

Farnsworth, Hannah    (Robinson)    housework
    Hattie E    housework

Farwell, Delia A    (Hadley)    housework    Ogunquit
    Addie     (married Perkins)    housework
    *Chas H    clerk in navy yard     Kittery
    *Wm I    grocer    Somersworth, N H
    Louise M    (married Jacobs)    housework

Fenderson, Clarence N    farmer    RFD #1
    Mary E    (Stevens)    housework
    Archie C    farmer
    *Wm C    carpenter    1120 Congress, Portland
    *Rosella S    student    Saco
    Geo F    pupil
    Howard L    pupil

Flaker, James    fireman
    *Ella    housework    Portland
    *Lillian    student    Portland
    *Mamie    housework    Portland
    James    pupil
    Roy    pupil
    Jessie    pupil

Frazier, Chas    farmer    Ogunquit

Freeman, Milbray    clerk

French, Melvin    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Lucy E    (Pratt)    housework
    *Herbert F    meat cutter    Lynn, Mass
    *John W    caterer    39 Summer, Lynn, Mass
    *Annie A    (married Trafton)    housework    Alfred
    *Wm H    s s work    13 Mason, Lynn, Mass
    Lewis W    woodsman   
    *Milton E    box maker    12 Hilton Court, Lynn, Mass

Frisbee, Wm    steammill    Ogunquit
    Laura    (Perkins)

Furbish, James O    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Addie    (Merrifield)    housework
    Katherine    housework
    Fred M    carpenter
    Chester O     carpenter
    Harold M    pupil

Furbish, Martha A    (Stevens)   
    *Eliza I A    (married Goodwin)    housework    N Berwick
    James O    farmer
    Florence J    (married Libby)    housework


Gale, Jennie    (Clark)    housework
    *Chas B    painter    Eliot

Galouch, Sarah E    (married Rogers)    N Berwick RFD #2
    Freeman N    pupil

Garland, Edmond    farmer    RFD #1
    Annie L    (Dodge)    housework
    *Catherine    (married Staples)    Biddeford
    Annie M    pupil

Getchell, Lyman F    R R foreman    Wells Depot
    Elizabeth A    (Storer)    housework

Getchell, Robert     farmer    N Berwick RFD #2

Getchell, Alice C    (Sargent)    housework    N Berwick RFD #2

Getchell, Elizabeth    (Perkins)    N Berwick RFD #2

Getchell, Geo    retired    Wells Depot
    Sarah A    (Hatch)
    *Julian L        ---
    *Sarah M    (married Swasey)    housework    Concord, N H

Gilchrist, Geo. W    butcher    Ogunquit
    Flora M    (Welch)    housework
    *Almira M    (married Parsons)    housework    York
    Leon M    pupil
    Alden G    pupil

Glidden, Jennie A    (married Eaton)
    *Lesley W    woodsman    17 Forest, Dover, N H

Goodale, Hannah A    (married Goodale)    N Berwick RFD #2
    *Chas H    collector    23 Cedar, Amesbury, Mass
    *Julia E    dress maker    No Berwick
    *Harris A       RR ser    22 Winter, Amesbury, Mass
    *Warren E    carpenter painter    No Berwick
    Joseph E    saw mill work

Goodale, Esther C    housework    RFD #1

Goodale, Enoch    N Berwick RFD #2    farmer & stone mason
    Hannah A    (Goodale)    housework
    Edward C    farm work
    *Fred W    machinist    No Berwick

Goodale, Wm    farmer    Moody
    Abbie F    (Witham)    housework

Goodale, Belle    (Norton)    housework    Moody
    *Geo E    musician    Exeter, N H
    *Harry    M D    Boston
    *Frank    mill pay master    Exeter, N H

Goodwin, Geo    farmer    RFD #1
    Sarah C    (married Avery)    housework
    *R Chase    grocer    16 Concord, Portland
    *Fred R    blacksmith    Hallowell
    *Will H    clerk    8 Tremont, Portland

Goodwin, Geo    carpenter
    Annie M    (Morrison)    housework
    *Bertrand    conductor    Jersey City, NJ

Goodwin, John     farmer   
    Sarah O    (Wells)    housework
    *Chas E    carpenter    S Lawrence, Mass
    *Catherine F    (married Littlefield)    N Lawrence, Mass

Goodwin, Wm J    farmer    RFD #1
    Emma S    (Hatch)    housework
    Harriette H    pupil
    Carl    pupil

Goodwin, Elizabeth J    (Peebles)    housework    Ogunquit
    Chas L    fisherman
    *Wm E    belt factory    Dover, N H
    *Elizabeth    (married Davis)    Seattle, Wash

Goodwin, Susan    (Taylor)    housework
    *Frank    plumber    Swampscott, Mass
    *Mary A    milliner    Somerville, Mass
    Lydia J    (married Sipples)    housework
    Ida L    (married Thompson)    housework
    Ellen    (married Hubbard)    housework
    Emma    dress maker

Goodwin, Joseph    farmer & carpenter    RFD #1
    Sarah F    (Hubbard)    housework
    *Syrenius    contractor & builder    23 Grove, Lynn, Mass
    Emma F    (married Jones)    housework
    Yeata R    (married Gray)    housework
    Perley C    R R service
    Coral L    (married Wormwood)
    Austin R    mill owner
    Mabel    (married Day)    housework
    Leon W    mill business

Goodwin, Perley C    R R Service    Wells Depot
    Etta E    (Littlefield)     dress maker

Goodwin, Sewall    plumber
    *Arthur C    plumber    Beverly, Mass
    *Clara M    compositor    Norwood, Mass
    *Alice H    proof reader    Norwood, Mass

Gordon, J H    physician & surgeon    Ogunquit
    *Frank    druggist    Concord, N H

Goulet, Isaac     farm work    N Berwick RFD #2

Gowen, Laura A    housework

Gowen, Eva M    (Usher)    RFD #1
    Marion U    teacher
    W Ellis    carpenter
    Herbert     farmer
    B Harrison    student
    Nellie M    pupil
    J Alvah    pupil
    Phoebe    pupil
    S Willis    pupil

Gowen, Chas E    farmer    RFD #1
    Elizabeth F    (Shaw)     housework
    *Harry W    traveling salesman    Halifax, N C
    *Geraldine    (married Stickney)    Worcester, Mass

Grant, Walter W    blacksmith & farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Ernest M    engineer
    Home D    laborer
    Theron C    farm work

Grant, Silas M    laborer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Margie H    (Donnell)    housework
    Clarence E    pupil
    Gladys P    pupil
    Lloyd E    pupil
    Velma    pupil

Groves, Chas S    teamster    RFD #1

Gray, Sylvester    fisherman
    Annie    (Youngjohn)    housework
    Sarah M    pupil
    Leona    pupil

Gray, Frances M    (Gould)    housework    N Berwick RFD #2
    Lillian G    (married Briggs)
    *Blanche G    (married Cole)    N Berwick

Gray, Caroline E    (---)    housework    N Berwick RFD #2
    Almon E    stone mason
    *Elizabeth S    (married Griggs)    6 Green, Haverhill, Mass
    *Ida M    (married Ramsdell)    housework    425 Candia Road Manchester, N H
    Edmund F    R R engineer
    *Lenna O    (married Johnson)    housework    York
    Geo F    stone cutter

Gray, Emma T    (Penney)    housework    Berwick Branch
    *Nellie T    (married Byam)    housework    Waltham, Mass
    *John W    watch factory    Waltham, Mass

Gray, Geo F    stone cutter    N Berwick RFD #2
    Yeata A    (Goodwin)    housework
    Fred A    box mill
    Oscar F    pupil
    Hazel M    pupil
    Ralph M    pupil
    Minnie B    pupil
    Ray N   
    Grace E
    Ida R

Gray, Edmund F    R R engineer    N Berwick RFD #2
    A Alice    (Littlefield)    housework
    Walter G    student
    Richard L    pupil
    Elva L    pupil

Gray, Almon E    stone cutter    N Berwick RFD #2
    Mabel    (Cheney)    housework
    Perley    stone cutter
    Herbert     stone cutter
    Ruth    pupil
    *Maud    (married Randall)    Milton Mill, N H

Grover, Arthur E    farm work

Guptill, Samuel     farmer    Wells Depot
    Susan A    (Matthews)    housework

Guptill, Wm E    pedler    N Berwick RFD #2
    Mertie M    (Norton)    housework
    Harry J    pupil
    Maud C    pupil


Haines, Hannah    (Hilton)    housework    Wells Depot
    Edith E    pupil
    Ethel E    pupil
    Lona B    pupil
    Allen H   
    Hattie I

Haley, Benoni    carpenter    Ogunquit
    Martha    (Brooks)    housework
    Wm    mason
    *Addie M    (married Beede)    Freemont, N H
    Chas    plumber

Haley, Wm    mason    Ogunquit
    Sadie    (Young)    housework

Hall, John H    fireman    N Berwick RFD #2
    Abbie F    (Colby)

Hall, Jeremiah G    physician & surgeon
    Ellen M    (Locke)    housework
    *Phillip    brakeman    Portland

Hamblin, Harriette    (Hubbard)
    Nellie    (married Came)    housework
    *Franklin J    retired    Somerville, Mass

Hamilton, Geo     farmer    Berwick Branch
    Anna    (Allen)    housework
    Willis C

Hamilton, Wm P    Ogunquit    fisherman &  estate supt

Hamilton, Martha J    (Stevens)    Berwick Branch
    Geo    farmer
    *Loring    box factory    Manchester, N H

Hammond, Vesta E    (Libby)
    *Chas W    barber    Kennebunk
    Maud M    teacher

Hanscom, Edward H    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2

Hanscom, M Florence    housework    N Berwick RFD #2

Hanson, Henry L    farmer & carpenter
    Cora L    (Hilton)    housework
    Willis R    laborer
    Louie E    pupil
    Orville P    pupil
    H Leroy    pupil
    Elbridge L    pupil
    Stacey W    pupil
    Thadies    pupil
    Edith E
    John F
    Marion A

Hanson, Asa J    farmer    RFD #1
    Charlotte R    (Machon)
    *Bertha J    dress maker    Providence, R I
    Albert C    machinist
    Ezra H    farmer

Houston, Jesse P    fireman    Berwick Branch
    Alice    (Rhodes)    housework
    Harold    farmer

Harendean, V May    nurse    N Berwick RFD #2

Harmon, Lewis    retired
    Sarah J    (Hilton)    housework

Harvey, Frances J    (married Tripp)    Ogunquit
    Geo E    general work
    Wm L    pupil

Haskell, Bertha    (Stewart)    housework    N Berwick
    Paul S    pupil

Hatch, Angeline    retired
    *Sarah    (married Littlefield)    housework    Hudson, Mass
    Amos    livery stable

Hatch, Alonzo    teamster    RFD #1
    Carrie B    (Caine)    housework
    Roger B    pupil
    Neddie E    pupil
    Rachel M
    E Gertrude
    Eunice F

Hatch, Albert H    carpenter
    Gertrude P    (Tripp)    housework
    Elroy L    pupil
    Frank B    pupil
    Marguerite    pupil
    Beatrice C    pupil
    Ward W    pupil

Hatch, Daniel B    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    S Augusta    (Stevens)    housework
    *Nellie L    (married Hutchins)    housework    Newcastle, N H

Hatch, Downing    carpenter    Moody
    Julia A    (Dockam)    housework
    C Howard    pupil

Hatch, Erastus    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Mary    (Joy)    housework
    Nellie M    (married Small)    housework

Hatch, Geo P    farmer & fisherman    Webhannet
    Emily    (Littlefield)    housework
    Geo W    fisherman

Hatch, Geo W    fisherman
    Charlotte    (Gammon)    housework
    Viola    pupil
    Walter E    pupil
    Charlotte E    pupil

Hatch, Geo G    merchant

Hatch, Howard L    carpenter    RFD #1
    Emma L    (Rowell)    housework
    Nellie M    pupil
    Etta E    pupil
    N Stephen    pupil
    S Geraldine

Hatch, Ivory    farmer & lumberman    No Berwick RFD #2
    *Ora B    (married Hayes)    housework    Dover, N H

Hatch, John C    retired    No Berwick RFD #2
    *Ida    (married Ackerman)    housework    Torrington, Conn

Hatch, Judson    merchant    Wells Depot

Hatch, Joshua C    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    *Lamont P    Insurance agent    43 Davenport Cambridge, Mass
    *Alden S    merchant    400 Central Ave, Dover, N H
    *Alvin T    traveling salesman    St Louis, Mo
    Susan F    (Chapman)    housework

Hatch, Lincoln    carpenter    RFD #1
    Annie S    dress maker
    Nahum A    farmer
    Howard E    carpenter
    *Etta A    (married Schuler)    housework    Attleboro, Mass
    *Freeman E    salesman    Lynn, Mass
    *Ida M    (married Mitchell)    housework    Lynn, Mass
    *Geo A    painter    Lynn, Mass

Hatch, Leander H    farmer
    Laura J    (Hatch)    housework
    Lillian O    (married Eaton)    housework
    Flossie B    (married Hilton)    housework
    Wm H    farmer

Hatch, Maxwell    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Isette    (Bennett)    housework
    Chas    farmer

Hatch, Stephen J    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Eva A    (White)

Hatch, Jas B    No Berwick RFD #2    steel layer B & M RR

Hatch, Simon L    Wells Depot    steel layer B & M RR
    Marion J    (Murray)    housework
    Wm B    wiper B & M RR
    Irving C    steel layer B & M RR
    Lillian M    student
    Harley E    pupil

Hatch, Sullivan C    farmer
    Clara    (Littlefield)    housework
    *Jennie V    (married Cole)    Beverly, Mass

Hatch, Trafton    farmer & lumberman    No Berwick RFD #2

Hatch, Wm H    mill operator
    Olive L    (Hilton)     housework

Hatch, Wm O    brakeman    Wells Depot
    *Wm A    brakeman

Hayes, John F    farmer & mason
    Elizabeth J    (Littlefield)     housework
    Roscoe H    farmer
    Leon P    pupil
    W Ernest    pupil
    Harry P    pupil

Hayes, Jas L    retired    RFD #1

Healey, Chas D    photographer    Wells Branch
    Annie S    (Hobbs)

Higgins, Timothy J    Wells Depot    farmer & steel layer
    Amy E    (Morrell)    housework

Hill, Edmond P    farmer & meat dlr
    Mabel L    (Allen)    housework
    Alton E    pupil
    Margaret P    pupil

Hill, Edwin    farmer    Wells Depot
    Willis F    foreman    Kennebunk
    *Etta L    (married Hayes)    housework    East Rochester, N H
    *Roxie E    (married Bigger)    housework    37 Cass, Portsmouth, N H
    Myrtle    stenographer
    Iris I    book keeper
    *Edwin E    factory operator    Kennebunk

Hill, Margaret A    (Edmonds)    RFD #1
    Edmond P    farmer
    Wm C    farmer
    John A    trader

Hill, Ina I    housework    Wells Depot

Hill, Ellison    farmer    RFD #1
    Florence I    (Murphy)    housework

Hill, Wm G    farmer    RFD #1
    Sarah    (Coffin)    housework
    Rolla    pupil
    Owen    pupil
    Margaret    pupil

Hilling, Ann    (Hubbard)    housework

Hilton, A F     farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Stella F    (Moody)    housework
    Bethia    pupil
    Helen    pupil
    Scott    pupil
    Kenneth    pupil
    Edna M    pupil
    Roger S    pupil

Hilton, Arthur    laborer
    Sarah    (Hilton)
    Melissa    (married Pinard)
    Harry    pupil
    Archie    pupil
    Effie    pupil

Hilton, Benj H    carpenter    Moody
    Martha L    (Littlefield)    housework
    Daisy E    pupil
    Harold A    pupil
    Hartley H    pupil
    Gladys M

Hilton, Catherine    (Agnew)    No Berwick RFD #2
    Alverda F    farmer
    *Moses R    machinist    Orange, Mass
    *Catherine H    (married Costello)    Dorchester, Mass
    *Thatcher C    locomotive engineer    East Somerville, Mass
    *Edward E    machinist    East Providence, R I

Hilton, C A    grocer
    Horissa M    (Hunkins)    clerk
    Karl P

Hilton, H P    grocer
    Martha E    (Winn)    housework

Hilton, Chas H    teamster    RFD #1
    Elizabeth H    (Eaton)    housework
    Ernest H    laborer
    Minnie C    student
    Jennie L    pupil
    Bertie Harold pupil

Hilton, Frank W    stone mason
    *Ethel    (married Perkins)    N Berwick 
    Chester    laborer
    Eva    (married Hilton)    housework
    Alice    housework
    Erlon    pupil
    *Hazel    pupil    N Berwick

Hilton, Frank B    laborer

Hilton, Geo W    R R service
    Nellie    (Eaton)    housework
    Chas E    student
    Roy E    pupil
    Phillip    pupil

Hilton, Geo W    woodsman
    Flossie B    (Hatch)    housework
    Louis H    pupil
    Mildred E    pupil
    Merrill A

Hilton, W H    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Mabel    (Hatch)    housework
    Mary G    pupil
    Burpee W    pupil
    Asa C
    Edith R

Hilton, Geo A    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Rebecca    (Chapman)    housework
    Will H    farmer

Hilton, Hervey A    carpenter    Moody
    Emma T    (Littlefield)    housework
    Viola    telephone operator
    Hattie I    student

Hilton, Howard    laborer    Wells Depot
    Mercy    (Hilton)    housework

Hilton, Harris    laborer
    Nina S    pupil
    Harry E    pupil
    Helen E    pupil

Hilton, Joshua F    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Almeda J    (Proctor) housework
    *Melville H    Searsport    artesian well driller
    Lucien M    farmer
    *Fred M    machinist    540 Valley, Providence, R I
    Russell W    carpenter
    Alta S    housework
    Myrtle P    student
    Lindon    pupil

Hilton, Joseph    farmer
    Evelyn    (Huff)    housework
    Clarence A    merchant
    Harry P    merchant

Hilton, Joseph    laborer
    Caroline    (Hatch)    housework
    Geo    laborer
    Sarah    (married Hilton)    housework
    Olive    (married Hatch)

Hilton, Lydia    (Bennett)    housework
    *Marguerite    (married Miller)    Dover, N H
    Geo     R R service
    Chas    laborer
    Perley    farmer

Hilton, Nahum M    farmer
    Annie    (Eaton)    housework
    Margaret    (married Chute)    housework
    Chester    farm work
    Albert    farm work
    Alice    pupil
    Eben    pupil
    Georgia    pupil

Hilton, Oliver    laborer
    Eva    (Hilton)    housework

Hilton, Rastus    farmer    Wells Depot
    Archie R    farmer
    Izetta    (married Hutchins)    housework
    Mercy    (married Hilton)    housework
    Allen    farmer
    Harriet    (married Boston)    housework
    Hannah    (married Haines)    housework
    Frank B    farmer

Hilton, Sadie    (Silver)    housework
    Ella    pupil

Hilton, Sarah A    (Spencer)    housework    Berwick Branch
    Chandler E    fireman
    *Lizzie    (married Clark)    housework    Somersworth, N H
    Cora    (married Jellerson)    housework

Hilton, Tristam    retired    Wells Depot
    Mary M    (Tabor)    housework
    Howard    laborer
    Mabel    (married Phillips)    housework

Hilton, Wm    laborer
    Albert    wood chopper
    Cora L    (married Hanson)    housework
    *Izetta    (married Stilling)    housework    Berwick
    Geo    wood chopper
    *Almeda    (married Hall)    housework    Lowell, Mass
    *Elbridge    hostler    Hudson, Mass
    *Herbert B    wood chopper    W Kennebunk
    Harry R    laborer
    Wm    farmer
    Wallace    wood chopper

Hilton, Woodbury    Moody    carpenter & undertaker
    Frances E    (Allen)    housework
    Hervey A    farmer & carpenter
    Frank H    general hotel work
    Benj H    carpenter & farmer
    *Alva S     teamster    S Berwick

Hobbs, E Payson    painter    RFD #1
    Jennie M    (Gale)    housework
    S Nellie    (married Allen)    housework
    *Wm P    salesman    Boston
    Lucy H    housework
    Laura N    housework

Hobbs, Mary    (Winn)    housework    Ogunquit

Hodges, Ellen M    (Gowen)    housework
    *Alice H    (married Mason)    housework    22 Summer, Melrose, Mass

Holbrook, Sarah    (married Carroll)    
    *Emma F    (married Bodge)    housework    75 Cliff, Malden, Mass

*Hook, Jacob E    clerk    Boston
    Sophia    (Jacobs)    housework
    *M Bell    (married Perkins)    housework    Malden, Mass
    *Harry    clerk    Boston, Mass

Hooper, Geo W    farmer    Berwick Branch

Hosmer, Chas F    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Addie     (Downs)    housework
    *Hermon V    wool sorter    Sanford
    Casper F    farmer
    Ralph    pupil

Hubbard, Alonzo    farmer    RFD #1
    Ursula J    (Emery)    housework

Hubbard, Emma J    (Brackett)    s s work    RFD #1
    Harry H    pupil    RFD #1

Hubbard, Deland    farmer
    Ella S    (Goodwin)    housework
    Carrie E    pupil
    Grace M    pupil

Hubbard, Everett W    carpenter
    Edna M    (Pettengill)    housework
    Wilbur E    

Hubbard, Geo P    farmer
    Frances     (Gray)    housework

Hubbard, Oscar J    lumberman
    Mary L    (Clark)    housework
    Casper O    pupil
    Katherine C    pupil

Hubbard, Pamelia W    (Philbrook)     housework
    *Elizabeth L    (married Morrill)    Laconia, N H
    *Rufus P    M D    N Y
    Geo P    farmer

*Hubbard, Rufus S    engineer    Lynn, Mass
    Winnie B    housework    RFD #1

Hubbard, Sarah    (Burns)    housework
    Herbert E    general work

Hubbard, Wm    farmer
    Caroline E    (Rhodes)    housework
    Wm W    carpenter
    Deland    farmer

Hubbard, Wm W    carpenter
    Olive T    (Brown)    housework
    Wm E    laborer
    Wallace R    saw mill work
    Seth R    laborer
    Vernon E

Huff, Everett    farmer & logger    Elms
    Geo W    pupil
    Eliza A    (Powers)    housework

Huff, Nancy    retired    Ogunquit

Hurd, Chas F    blacksmith    Moody
    Clara A    (Whidden)

Hutchins, J Erving    blacksmith    Ogunquit
    Lillis E    (Empey)    housework
    Leonard W    laborer
    Julia S    teacher
    Phillip T    student
    Russell P    student

Hutchins, Percis    (Perkins)    housework    Ogunquit
    *Laura    (married Webber)    Kennebunk
    *Mary F    (married Ramsdell)    Worcester, Mass
    J Ervin    blacksmith

Hutchins, Edward F    laborer
    Izetta    (Hilton)    housework
    Ralph    pupil
    Edward F
    Silvina J
    Susan R

Hutchins, Warren L    mariner    Ogunquit
    Maud E    (Adams)    
    Rachel M    pupil
    Roslynde A    pupil
    Kenneth W    


Ilsley, Chas W    retired
    Hannah E    (Durgin)    housework
    *A Maude    (married Moore)    housework   Arlington, Mass
    Wm A    farmer

Ilsley, W A    farmer
    Grace T    (Henry)    housework
    Harry L    

Ingram, Rose J    (May)    RFD #1


Jackson, Wm H    carpenter    No Berwick RFD #2
    Elizabeth    (Kimball)    housework
    *Lamont S    mill operator    Sanford

Jacobs, John W    livery & exp    Sanford
    Louise M    (Farwell)
    Reginald F    pupil

Jacobs, Susan E    housework

Jacobs, Hannah    (Moody)    housework    Ogunquit
    *John E    merchant    Boston
    Nehemiah    Prop Spar Hawk Hall
    Sadie    (married Grant)

Jefferds, Geo    farmer    Kennebunk

Jefferds, Sarah E    housework    Kennebunk

Jellison, Chas W    farmer    Berwick Branch
    Cora M    (Hilton)
    Winfred    pupil  

Jepson, Chas W    farmer    Berwick Branch
    Cora M    (Hilton)
    Winfred    pupil

Jepson, Abram W    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Olive E    (Cheney)    housework
    Lizzie F    housework
    Ervin W    farmer
    Alice E    housework
    Oscar L    pupil
    Ethel F    pupil

Johnson, Ernest L    farmer     Wells Depot
    Cora B    (Allen)    housework
    Gladys A    pupil
    Eula O    pupil
    Roger L    

Jones, Chas E    farm work
    Emma F    (Goodwin)    housework
    Rena G    pupil
    Reginald C

Jones, Frank A    teamster    RFD #1

Jones, Emma L    housework    No Berwick RFD #2


Keene, Bernard    pupil    Ogunquit

Kelley, Florence    (Marine)    housework
    Merrill    pupil

Kelley, Emma    housework

Kelley, Lizzie A C    housework

Kelley, Annie F    (Marine)    housework
    Merrill S    pupil

Kimball, Lewis B    farmer    Moody
    Melissa M    (Moody)    housework
    *Lewis J    machinist    Salem, Mass
    Elden    farmer & butcher
    *Everett    ins agent    Haverhill, Mass
    Lester L    painter & paper hanger
    Cora M    housework
    Russell R    pupil

Kimball, Elden    farmer & butcher    Moody
    Emma    (Stacey)    housework

Kimball, Wm H    carpenter
    Mabel F    (Cardes)    housework

Kimball, David    blacksmith    Moody
    Hattie G    (Littlefield)    housework
    Emma    housework
    Oliver    farmer

Kimball, Elvira C    (Littlefield)
    Ella E    (married Baker)    housework
    Wm H    carpenter
    Herbert A    carpenter

Kimball, H A    carpenter
    Lydia H     (Sherburne)    housework
    Carl H    pupil
    John     pupil
    Marion E

Kimball, Frank    farmer Berwick Branch
    Ella F    (Allen)    housework
    Gertrude    pupil
    Lizzie    pupil
    Hadassah    pupil

Kimball, Dependence    farmer     N Berwick RFD #2

Kimball, Lester    painter
    Mabel    (Wheelwright)    housework

Kittredge, Henry A    merchant
    M Ella    (Tibbetts)    housework

Krinsky, Simon    merchant    Ogunquit
    Annie    (Albert)    clerk
    Fannie     pupil
    Silas    pupil


Ladd, Ammi S DD    Methodist clergy    Ogunquit

Lamson, John P    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Julia A    (Johnson)    housework
    August F    pupil
    Grace G    pupil

Larrabee, Bertha    (married Lemay)    No Berwick RFD #2
    Bessie P    housework
    Bertrand L    student

Larrabee, Olive    (Littlefield)
    Annie M    (married Silver)    housework
    Alden E    laborer
    Sadie    (married Prince)    housework

Leach, Winfield P    painter & carpenter    Wells Depot
    Mary E    (Manson)    housework
    Ida G    (married Bragdon)    housework
    Arthur A    student
    Hazel D    pupil
    Effie W     pupil

Lemay, Chas    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Bertha    (Larrabee)    housework
    C Freeland    pupil

Lewis, Arthur G    clergy    Ogunquit
    Carrie    (Robertson)    housework
    Carrie E    student in seminary
    Stephen F    pupil
    Wm P    pupil
    Frank S    pupil
    Emma L    pupil
    Cora N
    Robert B
    Anna G

Libby, A G C    traveling salesman    RFD #1
    Elsie    (---)    housework

Libby, Katherine D    (Buzzell)    Moody

Libby, Walter A    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Florence J    (Furbish)    housework

Lindsey, Priscilla S    (Tripp)    housework
    John W    traveling salesman
    *Sarah F    (married Keyes)    housework    New Bedford, Mass
    *Chas    clerk    Winthrop, Mass
    Helen    housework

Lindsey, Sarah    retired

Locke, Hannah B    teacher

Locke, Chas S    machinist
    Ellen E    (Smith)    housework

Lord, Emily A    (Perkins)    housework    Wells Depot
    Isabelle    (married Storer)    housework
    Granville W    blacksmith
    *Josephine M    s s work    6 Ellis, Lynn, Mass
    Haven E    farmer
    *Joseph H    real estate
    *Emma E    (married Perkins)    Conway, N H
    *Eva H    s s work    6 Ellis, Lynn, Mass
    *Florence G    (married Littlefield)    29 Smith, Lynn, Mass

Lord, Granville W    blacksmith    Wells Depot
    Mary E Libby    housework
    Chesley G    pupil

Lord, Geo S    retired    RFD #1

Lord, Haven E    farmer    Wells Depot
    Mary E    (Johnson)    housework
    *Edith O    student    Gorham
    Richard T

Lord, John W    farmer    RFD #1
    Ella M    (Mason)
    Henry B    salesman
    Ella L    student
    Hazel    student
    Mildred D

Lord, Marion R    (Waldron)    summer resident     RFD #1
    Robert W    broker
    Chas E    broker
    Marion R

Littlefield, Arthur E    fisherman    Ogunquit
    Sadie L    (Maxwell)    housework
    Mildreth M    pupil
    Marion L    pupil

Littlefield, Arthur J    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Ethel H    (Hamilton)    housework

Littlefield, Arthur W    farmer
    Addie L    (Stevens)    housework
    Frances E
    Alma W

Littlefield, Clara E    housework

Littlefield, Edward H    farmer

Littlefield, Alpheus    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Lydia A    (Littlefield)    housework
    *Alonzo F    laundry    Dover, N H
    Florence C    pupil
    Leroy R    pupil

Littlefield, Albra W    farmer & painter    No Berwick RFD #2
    Abbie S    (Winn)    housework
    Angie    student

Littlefield, Abagail    (Chaney)
    *Lizzie    (married Aldridge)    housework    12 Pearl, Amesbury, Mass
    Nellie    teacher
    Herbert    farmer & livery
    *Emma    (married Quimby)    housework    Wheeling, W Va

Littlefield, H A    farmer & livery
    Ada L    (Hubbard)    housework
    Grace E    pupil
    Gertrude E    pupil

Littlefield, Augustus T    farmer
    Melissa O    (Young)    housework
    *Agnes M    (married Wells)    housework     Kennebunkport
    Bertha B    housework
    Cora B    teacher

Littlefield, Albert J    clerk    Ogunquit
    Susie E    (Moody)    housework
    Angie M    housework
    Vivian S    student
    Raymond C    pupil
    John W    pupil
    Tressie S    pupil
    Murice A

Littlefield, Albert R    carpenter    Kennebunk
    Margaret A    (Dennis)
    Addie M    tailoress
    Marguerite    pupil

Littlefield, Anson B    livery business    Ogunquit
    Martha E    (Boston)    housework

Littlefield, Almeda P    (Welch)    Ogunquit
    *James S    life saving sta    Newcastle, NH
    Annie    (married Tucker)    housework
    *Oliver C    capt    Portsmouth, N H
    Alice B    (married Mayo)
    Winnie C    mason

Littlefield, Andrew J    merchant
    Mary    (York)    housework
    Harry A    farmer
    *Jennie    (married Turpin)    housework    Newburyport, Mass
    Eva    (married Wentworth)

Littlefield, Burleigh    carpenter    No Berwick RFD #2
    Rosabelle    (Harendean)    housework
    Phylis M    pupil
    Roderick B    

Littlefield, Chas O    manufacturing    No Berwick RFD #2
    Olive M    (Smith)    housework

Littlefield, Julia F    No Berwick RFD #2

Littlefield, Eugene    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2

Littlefield, Chas H    farmer    Wells Depot
    Florence E    (Chapman)    housework
    Mildred A    (married Littlefield)
    *Grace E    cashier    30 Boylston, Boston, Mass

Littlefield, Chas C M     farmer
    Hannah    (York)    housework
    Lewis    farmer
    Ella    (married Baker)    housework

Littlefield, Chas S    merchant    Ogunquit
    Abbie A    (Maxwell)
    *Lulu M    teacher    Malden, Mass
    Edna M    teacher
    Ruth C    pupil    

Littlefield, C Herbert    Ogunquit    carpenter & farmer
    Clara E    (Maxwell)    housework
    Persis M

Littlefield, J Hartley    carpenter    Ogunquit

Littlefield, David M    carpenter    Ogunquit
    Florence A    (Perkins)    housework
    Walter P    

Littlefield, Edward L    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2

Littlefield, Cora    housework    No Berwick RFD #2

Littlefield, Ellen    retired    No Berwick RFD #2

Littlefield, Edwin    No Berwick RFD #2    farmer & salve director
    *Roscoe E    farmer    Kennebunk
    *Harry A    carpenter    So Boston, Mass
    Etta E    (married Goodwin)    dress maker
    *Arthur R    clerk    Kennebunk Beach
    Eva M    (married Steere)    housework
    Mabel B    (married Matthews)    housework
    Ethel M    (married Matthews)    housework
    Chester E    farmer & teamster

Littlefield, Emily    (Littlefield)    No Berwick RFD #2
    Leander J    carpenter
    Frances     (married Chase)    housework
    Addie    (married Waterhouse)    housework

Littlefield, Elmer J    student    No Berwick RFD #2

Littlefield, Elmira    (Eaton)    housework
    Blanche    (married Weeks)    housework
    *Chas N    conductor    Portland
    *Ida E    (married Wibber)    merchant    W Kennebunk
    *Agnes    (married Webb)    housework    Kennebunk
    *Geo W    carpenter    Kennebunk
    *Florence A    (married Parker)    housework    Kittery

Littlefield, Elizabeth    (Furbish)

Littlefield, Fannie B    No Berwick RFD #2

Littlefield, Geo A    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Lida    (Miller)    housework
    Clarence M

Littlefield, Geo H    Ogunquit    Prop Lookout Hotel
    Hannah O    (Perkins)    housework
    Lester C    rest estate
    Geo S    pupil    

Littlefield, Gideon R    farmer
    Wm U    carpenter
    *Benj R    meat dlr    Boston

Littlefield, Howard    seamen
    Harriet F    (York)    housework
    Norris B    

Littlefield, Jeremiah S    carpenter
    Abbie M    (Boynton)    housework
    *Edith E    (married Stuart)    housework    Kezar Falls
    *Nina J    (married Stuart)    housework    Cape Neddick
    Mabel M    housework
    Archer E    carpenter

Littlefield, J G     merchant
    Abbie C    (Littlefield)    housework
    Alma L    student
    Ethel E    student

Littlefield, John J    fisherman & farmer    Ogunquit
    Albert J    clerk
    Arthur E    general work
    H Mabel    housework
    Edgar M    general work

Littlefield, Joseph    merchant Ogunquit
    Nellie     (Perkins)    housework
    *Roy    stenographer    Portland
    *Grace    college student    Wellesley, Mass
    *Joseph P    college student     Orono
    Roby    student

Littlefield, Joseph A    farmer     Moody
    Elizabeth    (Stuart)    housework
    Jeremiah S    carpenter
    *Joseph A Jr    carpenter    York
    *Lyman F    blacksmith    York
    *Alfred    carpenter    Watertown, Mass
    *Abbie A    (married Clement)    housework    Watertown, Mass
    *Everett    carpenter    Nevada
    Howard    seaman & farmer
    Mattie E    (married Hilton)    housework

Littlefield, Joseph F    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Nora     (married Winn)    housework
    *Maud L    (married Toby)    N Berwick

Littlefield, Josiah     farmer    Moody
    Mary A    (Hanson)    housework
    *Wm J    carpenter    Berwick
    *Mary G    (married Chase)    housework    Dorchester, Mass
    Geo A    teacher
    *Burton H    carpenter    York

Littlefield, J    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Mary H    (Allen)     housework
    Burleigh E    carpenter
    *Lillian L    (married Storer)    housework    95 Middlesex ave Reading, Mass
    Sidney E    granite dls
    *Lester W    electrical work    12 Linwood Place, Lynn, Mass
    Arthur J    farmer

Littlefield, Jonathan A    retired
    *Lillian    (married Myrick)    housework    Melrose, Mass
    *Eveleth C    electrician    Lynn, Mass
    *Olive P    (married Somers)    Dorchester, Mass

Littlefield, Leander J    carpenter    No Berwick RFD #2
    *Adelbert A    laborer    N Berwick
    *Floyd C    laborer    N Berwick
    Julia F    (Cheney)    housework

Littlefield, Lewis    farmer
    Rosa    (Labonte)    housework
    Roby    pupil

Littlefield, Lincoln C    Ogunquit    prop Willow Cottage
    Eliza J    (Andrews)    housework
    *Minnie B    waitress    Portland

Littlefield, Lillian    (married Briggs)
    Edith M    pupil

Littlefield, Lorenzo    P M    RFD #1
    Ellen    (Emery)    housework
    Sidney    farmer
    Willis    steam mill
    *Arthur    blacksmith    Springfield, Mass
    *Edgar    police    Springfield, Mass
    *Fred     shoe op    Lynn, Mass
    *Gertrude    (married Brown)    Brockton, Mass

Littlefield, Mary S    (Perkins)    prop Ogunquit Hotel, Oguu
    *Myron G    civil engineer    Philadelphia, Pa
    *Chas L    plumber    Chelsea, Mass

Littlefield, Mary    (Littlefield)    West Branch

Littlefield, Moses F    farmer     Ogunquit
    *Wm F    teacher    Hope, R I
    *Chas W    Natick, R I    wholesale millinery

Littlefield, Augusta M    Ogunquit

Littlefield, Nathaniel    retired    Wells Depot

Littlefield, Nicholas    general work
    Fannie    housework
    *Homer    carpenter    Manchester, N H
    Eugene    farm work
    Lizzie M    (married Earle)    housework

Littlefield, N Warren    carpenter    Moody
    Georgia A    (Buzzell)    housework

Littlefield, Olive A    (Bourne)    Ogunquit

Littlefield, Olive J    town farm

Littlefield, Orin    farmer    Ogunquit
    Annie    (Thompson)    housework
    Elmer J F    carpenter
    Horton T    mason
    Bertha    waitress
    Helen    (married Tapley)

Littlefield, Samuel N    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Alpheus    farmer
    *Geo    farmer    Putney, Vt
    *Wm    hotel proprietor    Lynn, Mass
    *Mary    (married Yeaton)    Boston, Mass
    *Lizzie    (married Howe)    S Framingham, Mass
    *Addie    (married Boyd)    N Berwick
    *Clara    (married Trescott)    Lynn, Mass
    *Charlotte    (married ---)    Waltham, Mass

Littlefield, Sidney    farmer    RFD #1
    Lovey    (West)    housework
    Ralph W    pupil
    Russell    pupil
    Hazel    pupil

Littlefield, Sarah A    Moody

Littlefield, Sidney E    No Berwick RFD #2    granite dlr
    Mildred A    (Littlefield)    housework

Littlefield, Stephen    farmer    RFD #1
    Florence A    (Hatch)    boarding house
    Electa M    boarding house
    Neil C    mill operator
    Woodbury S    mill operator
    Philip A    farmer
    Merton M    pupil

Littlefield, Susan    (Abbott)    housework
    *Ellen I    (married Whitten)    housework    Alfred
    *Mary A    (married Hill)    W Kennebunk
    *Joshua A    So Berwick    portable saw bus
    *Haven B    farmer    N Berwick
    *Jas F    mill operator    N Berwick
    Georgia A     (married Morrell)    housework
    *Joseph M    livery    N Berwick
    Nahum E    general work
    Geo S W    farmer

Littlefield, Walter H    farmer    RFD #1
    Josephine    (Moulton)    housework
    C Herbert    carpenter
    *Clara J    (married Currier)    York
    Jas H    carpenter
    Rexford W    pupil
    Nelson E    pupil

Littlefield, Wesley    farmer
    Carrie C    (Chase)    housework
    Geo W    farmer

Littlefield, Winnie C    mason    Ogunquit
    Elsie R

Littlefield, Willie    RFD #1    steam mill
    Ina B    (Brown)    housework

Littlefield, Wm W    carpenter    Oceola Hotel
    Effer    (Blanchard)    housework

Littlefield, Woodbury    farmer
    Susan    (Littlefield)    housework
    *Mary J    (married Upham)    housework    Waltham, Mass
    *Lillian R    music teacher    N Y


Malowe, L J    poultry & egg dlr
    FB    (---)    housework

Marsh, Roscious C    Ogunquit    stone cutter
    Mettie    (Ramsdell)    housework
    May M    stenographer

Mathews, Ernest S    R R service
    Mabel    (Littlefield)    housework
    Leo E    pupil
    Agnes V    pupil
    Ida M

Matthews, Charlotte A    (Stover)    landlady

Matthews, Fred    meat peddler    Wells Depot
    Ethel M    (Littlefield)    housework
    Wesley F    pupil
    Gertrude A
    Harry P

Matthews, John F    farmer
    Emma J    (Bridges)    housework
    *Addie L    (married Waterhouse)    Kennebunk
    *Willie     R R service    Portland
    *Everett C    merchant    N Berwick
    John     pupil
    Raymond    pupil
    Maud A    pupil
    Ruth E    pupil
    Mary E

Matthews, Susan A    (married Guptill)    Wells Depot
    Ernest S    R R service
    Fred    meat peddler
    *Irving E    R R fireman    N Berwick

Matthews, Wm H    laborer
    Sadie E    (Hilton)    housework

Matthews, Wm M
    Susan A    (Sayward)
    Ernest S    R R service
    Fred     laborer
    *Irving E    R R service    N Berwick

Maxwell, Albert B    retired    Ogunquit
    Barak    carpenter
    Henry L    farmer

Maxwell, Alexander    farmer    Ogunquit
    Hannah O    (Kimball)    housework
    Sadie     (married Littlefield)    housework
    Clara    (married Littlefield)    housework
    Roland    student

Maxwell, Barak A    carpenter    Ogunquit
    Alma M    (Downing)    housework

Maxwell, Geo L    farmer    Moody
    Mary A    (Welch)    housework
    *Frank    insurance agent    Denver, Colo
    *Hattie    (married Brodrick)    housework    Denver, Colo

Maxwell, Henry L    farmer    Ogunquit
    Mary R    (Parsons)    housework
    Pauline P    pupil

Maxwell, Lincoln    farmer    Ogunquit
    Augusta    (Littlefield)    housework
    Chas L    grocer

Maxwell, Oliver    sea captain    Ogunquit
    Emily J    (Welch)    housework
    Abbie A    (married Littlefield)    housework

May, Rose J    (married Ingram)    RFD #1
    Winnifred R    (married Wainwright)    housework
    Nellie E    (married Welch)    housework

Mayo, Will A    laborer    Ogunquit
    Alice B    (Littlefield)    housework
    Florence V    pupil
    Gladys G    pupil
    Wesley H    pupil
    Evelyn L    pupil

Mayo, John E    farmer    Ogunquit

McCaulder,  ----    (McEachon)    
    Mary A    pupil
    Flora A    pupil

McFarland, Nahum    retired
    *Chas     Brockton, Mass
    Sadie M    (married Cook)    housework

McKenney, Ora E    teacher

Merchant, Selina F    (Bray)    housework
    *Annie L    (married Bessie)    housework    Bond ave, Chicago
    *Willard P    mining    Sterling City, Cal

Merrifield, Salathiel    B    farmer    No Berwick RFD #2
    Sarah A    (Sargent)    housework
    *Lillian L    seamstress    Watertown, Mass
    *Flora E    stenographer    Watertown, Mass
    May L    (married Gould)    housework

Mildram, Georgie A    (Hobbs)
    Alice S    teacher
    *Ora M    (married Hatch)    housework    173 Willow Ave, W Somerville, Mass
    *Geo L    mail agent    Burlington, Vt
    *Carrie M    (married Small)    housework    257 Turner, Auburn
    *Jessie M    book keeper    676 Washington, Lynn, Mass
    Chas L    plumber
    *Frank C    auditor    Bellingham, Washington

Mildram, Joseph H    RFD #1    survey & real estate

Mildram, Albert C    farmer    RFD #1

Mildram, Abbie O    teacher    RFD #1

Mildram, Susan J    teacher

Miller, Margaret E    (Bone)    housework    N Berwick
    *Arthur    engineer    Hants County, N S
    Levi    lumberman
    *Harry M    woodsman
    *Lena M    (married McKenzie)    housework    Hants Co, N S
    *E Blanche    (married Ettinger)    Hants Co, NS
    *Margaret E    (married Henneger)    Hants Co, N S
    Jas W    woodsman
    Edgar E    farmer
    Percy F    pupil
    Everett J    pupil

Miller, Lydia    (Bennett)    housework
    Etta    (married Bridges)
    James    trapper

Miller, Jas F    general work
    Lizzie    (Bridges)    housework
    Gertrude C    pupil

Mills, Horace    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Alma    (Brads)    housework
    *Ethel    clerk    N Berwick
    Wesley    pupil
    *Celia    (married Goodwin)    housework    Lynn, Mass
    *Ella    (married White)    housework    Lynn, Mass
    *Olive    housework    Boston, Mass

Mitchell, Byron    R R service
    Mary    (Wormwood)    housework
    Richard    pupil

Mitchell, Enoch F    painter    Ogunquit
    Elizabeth L    (Littlefield)
    Nellie M    housework
    *Linnie D    (married Stimpson)    Kennebunk
    *Lincoln F    factory op    Kennebunk

Monahan, Michael    foreman R R sect
    Elizabeth C    (Kelleher)    housework
    James L    pupil
    Michael J

Monroe, Mary    housework

Moody, Chas H    Ogunquit    merchant & road commission
    Caroline    (Rogers)    housework
    *Rosina    (married Sayward)    housework    Alfred
    Geo    merchant
    *Etta    book keeper    Haverhill, Mass
    Annie    (married Bowen)    housework

Moody, Daniel W    grocer    Ogunquit
    Leona    dress maker
    Linda    dress maker

Moody, Geo H    merchant    Moody
    Hattie W    (Williams)    housework
    Earle R    pupil
    Ray B    pupil
    Alice M

Moody, Geo W    fisherman
    Lillian F    (York)    housework
    Harold V    pupil
    Ruth    pupil
    Marion    pupil
    G Prescott    pupil
    John W

Morrell, Amy E    (married Higgins)    Wells Depot
    Geo R    R R steel layer
    Moses B    box mill

Morrell, Chas Wm    general work & trapping
    Georgia A    (Littlefield)    housework
    Ernest K C    pupil
    Bessie    pupil
    Gracie M    pupil
    Chas W Jr    pupil
    Jennie    pupil

Moulton, Wm F    retired    Moody
    Sarah J    (Cleaves)    housework

Moulton, Carrie S    (Rankin)    RFD #1

Moulton, Harley S    merchant
    Ida O    (Moulton)    housework
    Roy S    clerk
    Mildred M    student

Murray, Kendall G    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Mary E    (Penney)    housework
    Ida M    waitress
    Sumner G     pupil


Nash, Georgiana    (Russell)    housework    Elms
    *Lula M    (married Strickland)    Charlestown, N H
    *James W    farmer    Springfield, Mass

Nason, L Howard     farmer    W Branch    
    Abbie J    (Taylor)    housework
    Florence I    housework

Nason, Leroy    photographer
    Eliza    (Plouff)    housework

Newhall, Hannah    (Bennett)    
    Everett    farmer & laborer
    Geo    farmer & laborer
    *Lizzie    (married Nichols)    housework    Salem, Mass
    *Sylva    (married Thurston)    housework    Farmington, N H
    *Laura    dress maker    Portland

Newhall, Geo P    farmer
    Myra B    (Smith)    housework
    Hattie F
    Chas E

Newhall, Edward E    farmer
    Annie E    (Manson)    housework
    Ernest E    pupil
    Irving W    pupil
    Raymond G    pupil
    Alice M    pupil
    Benjamin S    pupil

Northway, Wm P    general work    Ogunquit

Norton, Frances A    housework


O'Leary, Frank    pupil    RFD #1

Otis, Ida G    (married Bragdon)    Wells Depot
    Ruth Irene


Parsons, Harriet    (---)    Ogunquit

Penney, Arioch    retired    RFD #1

Penney, Freeman H    farmer & carpenter    N Berwick RFD #2
    Addie    (Adams)    housework
    Lois    pupil

Perkins, Aaron A    prop Minnetanker Hotel
    Cora E    (Quimby)    housework
    *Carrie     (married Matthews)    housework    N Berwick

Perkins, Arthur E    pedler    Ogunquit
    Esther M    (Cole)    
    Chesley E
    Clarence E

Perkins, Chas F    fisherman    Ogunquit
    Annie M    (Ramsdell)    housework
    *Alice L    (married Bunker)    housework    Concord, N H
    *Geo W    carpenter    9 Tremont, Boston
    *Gertrude    (married Simpson)    housework    Boston
    *Leola    (married Plummer)    housework    9 Atkinson, Dover, N H

Perkins, E Albert    fisherman    Ogunquit
    M Ella    (Dunnell)    housework
    Florence A    (married Littlefield)
    Herbert M    pupil

Perkins, Eva    (Clark)    Ogunquit    boarding house
    *Allister    mason    Lynn, Mass
    *Polly    (married Bennett)    housework    Sanford
    Joel    farmer
    Lewis    teacher
    Geneva    student

Perkins, Fred E    farmer     Ogunquit
    Lizzie T    (Winn)    housework

Perkins, Frank H    painter    Ogunquit
    Julia    (Donnell)    housework
    Arlene    pupil
    Harry    pupil
    *Bessie    (married Drew)    housework    Portsmouth, N H

Perkins, Hannah J    (Welch)    housework    Ogunquit
    *Jeremiah    farmer    York
    *Stover    lumberman    York
    *Albert    farmer    York
    Chas    general work
    *Sarah     (married Avery)    housework    Cape Neddick
    Laura A    (married Frisbee)    housework

Perkins, Hiram    fisherman    Ogunquit
    Mary J    (Wells)    housework
    Fred E    farmer
    Frank H    farmer & painter
    Hattie A    (married Montgomery)
    *Nellie M    (married Earle)    housework    Whitman, Mass
    *Edward W    contractor & carpenter    49 Fiske Ave, Lynn, Mass
    *Ida F    (married Shattuck)    housework    York
    Walter M    carpenter

Perkins, Jacob    stone mason    N Berwick
    *Hosea A    teamster    N Berwick
    *Laura S    (married Swett)    housework    N Berwick
    Ellen M    housework
    Dora A    pupil

Perkins, James M    carpenter    Ogunquit
    Lizzie S    (Thompson)    housework
    Clifford    pupil

Perkins, Jediah M    mason    Ogunquit
    Ava A    (Goss)    housework
    *Effie    (married Howlett)    housework    Cambridge
    *Nora    (married Matthews)    Cape Neddick
    *Arthur    clerk    Denver, Col
    *Chas    tinsmith    Kingfield
    *Edwin    plumber    Cambridge, Mass
    *Ralph     clerk    Denver, Col
    Dwight    student

Perkins, Joel    farmer    Ogunquit
    Mabel    (Moulton)    housework

Perkins, John    fisherman    Ogunquit
    Susan    (Moulton)    housework
    Mary M    (married Maxwell)    housework
    *Clarence A    contractor & real estate    319 So Harvey Ave Oak Park, Ill
    *Fred H    plumber    10 So Kedzie Ave, Chicago, Ill

Perkins, Leander    fisherman
    Julia    (Welch)    housework
    Carl    pupil
    Roy    pupil
    Guy    pupil

Perkins, Lorenzo    sea captain    Ogunquit
    Addie    (Hutchins)    housework
    Louise    student

Perkins, Mena J    prop Magnolia
    *Harry    Am Ex    Boston
    Roscoe A    bowling alley

Perkins,     Moses    boat builder    Ogunquit
    Hannah M    (Ramsdell)    housework
    Annie E    (married Weare)    housework
    Cora M    housework

Perkins, Moses S    contractor    Ogunquit
    Annie M    (Littlefield)
    Grover S    pupil
    Gladys    pupil
    Russell M    pupil

Perkins, Norton H    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Hiram N    farmer
    Mabel C    housework

Perkins, Pearl    laborer    Ogunquit

Perkins, Pamelia M    (Littlefield)    housework    West Branch
    *Everett C    physician & surgeon    Farmington, N H
    Annie    teacher

Perkins, Samuel J    Ogunquit    prop St Aspinquid
    Winifred    (Norton)    housework
    Helen H    pupil
    Dorothy M

Perkins, Samuel S    fisherman    Ogunquit
    *Bertha L    (married Storer)    stenographer    E 222 Pacific Ave Spokane, Wash
    Grace E    (married Bickford)    housework

Perkins, Wm H    Ogunquit    carpenter & proprietor Grand View House
    Lizzie W    (Parsons)    housework
    Verne L
    Carl W    pupil

Perkins, Wm H    boat builder      Ogunquit
    Pamela    (Oakes)    housework
    Moses    boat builder
    Wm H Jr    carpenter
    Ernest D    general work
    *Nellie P    (married Sprague)    Lanesville, Mass
    *Cora E    (married Goodwin)    Bradford, Mass

Pernes, Chas    town farm

Phillips, Geo E    manufacturer & real estate
    Vina    (Burrill)    housework
    Walter    clerk
    *Lewis A    mill operator    Sanford

Phillips, Geo A    carpenter & farmer    Ogunquit

Phillips, Frank E    physician & surgeon
    Anna M    (Bayles)    housework

Phillips, Lemont    general work
    Alberta    (Bahaker)    housework
    Reginald    pupil
    Roland    pupil

Phillips, Trafton    general work
    Lemont    general work
    Geo E    manufacturer
    *Ida    (married Laham)    housework    Marblehead, Mass
    *Julia    (married Mitchell)    Lynn, Mass
    *Annie    (married Mitchell)    Lynn, Mass

Phillips, Theodore H    farmer    Ogunquit
    Frances E    (Hodgman)    housework
    John H    general work
    Wendell G    general work
    Mary A    housework

Phillips, Walter    clerk
    Mabel E    (Hilton)    housework
    Lloyd C

Pierce, Arthur E    R R service
    Mary A    (Eaton)    housework
    Eva C    pupil
    Bertha M    pupil
    Erman E    pupil
    Christe C    pupil

Pierce, Wm H    turner
    Sadie    (Larrabee)    housework
    Gladys    pupil
    Casper G

Pike, Alvah B    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Maude A    (Wilson)    housework

Pike, Geo     farmer

Pinard, Ernest    laborer
    Melissa    (Hilton)    housework

Pinore, A    farmer
    ---    (---)    housework
    *O Peter    mill operator    Biddeford
    *Marie A    housework    Sanford
    Clara    pupil

Pitts, Wm H V    meat dlr
    Mildred M    (Bush)    housework
    *Gertrude H    (married Chadbourn)    Sanford
    Ora E    student
    Hazel E    student

Pitts, Leroy E    pupil    N Berwick RFD #2

Poor, Jas    carpenter    Ogunquit
    ---    (---)    housework

Pope, Chas O    prop Fairview Hotel
    Nancy W    (Locke)    housework
    *Mary     (married Place)    Dover, N H

Pope, Jane    (Littlefield)    housework

Pope, L M    teacher
    Wm A    farmer
    Irving N    pupil
    Frank R    pupil
    Elsa J    pupil


Ramsdell, Ann    (Moody)    Ogunquit
    Wm    laborer
    *Solomon    contractor    Malden, Mass
    Hannah    (married Perkins)    housework
    Eben    fisherman
    Annie    (married Perkins)    housework
    Mettie    (married Marsh)    housework

Ramsdell, Wilbur A    painter    Ogunquit
    Jennie L    (Ramsdell)    housework
    Harold T    pupil    
    Nelson E     pupil

Rankin, Freeman E    merchant
    Marietta L    (Mitchell)    housework
    Grace O    (married Bodge)    housework
    Alice L    P M
    Leslie V    clerk

Rankin, John P    retired
    Hannah E    (Hobbs)    housework
    *James W    janitor    17 Cazenore, Boston, Mass
    *Henry W    printer    33 Sanford Ave Plainfield, N J
    *Everett W    piano factory operator    Roxbury, Mass

Rankin, John    real estate & farmer    
    Percival    student

Rankin, John R    mechanic
    Olive H    (Hatch)    housework
    *Wm E    general work    Colo
    *Albert H    freight handler    B & M R R    280 Rallston Fitchburg, Mass
    (Rollo S    civil engineer    Reno, Nev
    *Eugene R    Boston, Mass    capt Salvation Army

Rankin, Mary A    housework    RFD #1

Rankin, Susan M    housework    RFD #1

Rankin, Mary B    (Clifford)

Reynolds, Montez    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Carrie    (Littlefield)    housework
    Chester W    box mill
    Leon A    box mill
    Lester L    pupil
    Forest T    pupil
    Earl S

Rhodes, Lucy H    (Rhodes)    housework    Berwick Branch
    Alice    (married Houston)    housework
    *Ernest A    teamster    Lynn, Mass
    *Erben P    machinist    Lynn, Mass

Richards, Robert    fireman
    Lucy    (Sprague)    housework
    Perley    pupil

Ricker, Chas F    Wells Depot    farmer
    Sarah E    (Wells)    housework
    Geo W    farmer
    Luella F    teacher

Ricker, Geo W    farmer & R R service
    Leontine    (Hatch)    housework
    Frances     pupil
    Frank    pupil

Robinson, Chas    sawyer
    Lydia    (Wentworth)    housework
    *Chas    box mill    N Berwick
    Verda    pupil

Rogers, J H    sawmill    work    N Berwick RFD #2
    Sarah E    (Galouch)    housework
    James L    pupil
    Georgie I

Royal, Nellie O    (McGrath)


Sanborn, Ida B    (Mann)    Ogunquit
    Jessie B    pupil

Sargent, Geo E    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Eleanor    (Long)     housework

Sargent, Abbie     (Stevens)     housework    N Berwick RFD #2
    *Wm A     motorman    78 Pierce, Lowell, Mass
    *Howard     carpenter painter    27 Spring, Ogdensburg, N Y

Sargent, Sylvester    farmer    Berwick Branch

Sargent, Sylvanus    farmer    Berwick Branch

Sargent, Eliza    housework    Berwick Branch

Sawyer, James E    RFD    Prop Allard House
    Irene F    (Allard)    housework
    *Ethel P    clerk    Portland

Sayward, Eben     farmer     Wells Depot
    Louise    (Ellis)    housework
    *Frank E    merchant    N Berwick
    Susan     (married Guptill)    housework

Sayward, Blanche M    Wells Depot

Seavey, John A    carpenter    Ogunquit
    Georgia A    (Hutchins)     housework
    Myra A    teacher
    Beulah A    student

Seavey, Clara    (Perkins)    Ogunquit
    Ray    plumbers apprentice

Shaw, Wm E    Wells Depot    merchant & paper hanger
    Emma L    (Burrill)    housework
    *Ida E    (married Howarth)    housework    9 Farrar, Lynn, Mass
    *Wm E Jr    teacher    566 Main, Waltham, Mass
    Geo A    plumber

Silver, John     laborer    
    Annie     (May)    housework
    Jennie B    pupil
    Herman J    pupil
    Charles H

Silver, Lewis    hostler    Ogunquit

Sinclair, Chas E    farm hand
    Minnie E    (Smith)    dress maker

Sippel, John H    baker
    Lydia    (Goodwin)    housework
    Hilda M    pupil
    Harvey J

Small, John A    painter    N Berwick RFD #2
    Nellie M    (Hatch)    housework

Smith, Wm W    physician & surgeon    Ogunquit
    Augusta M    (Mann)    music teacher
    Katheryn A    pupil
    Roger    pupil
    Warren W    pupil

Smith, Amelia M    (married Brooks)    Ogunquit
    *Alice A    (married Brown)    housework    26 Federal, Gloucester, Mass
    *Zipporah    (married Gavel)    housework    Gavelton, Nova Scotia
    *Obed H    carpenter    Marblehead, Mass
    *Anna D    (married Garvey)    housework    Brockton, Mass

Smith, Mary A    (West)    Ogunquit
    Geo A    clam digger
    *Samuel S    s s work    8 Green, Exeter, N H
    Ernest J    general work

Smith, Edith J    (Holmes)    
    Florence C    student

Smith, Frank E    farm work    RFD #1
    Laura    (Swan)    housework
    Colby    pupil

Spear, Chas J    clergy    N Berwick RFD #2
    Florice    (Bragdon)    housework
    Philip    pupil
    Wesley    pupil

Spiller, Delphina    (Cash)    Elms
    Chas F    blacksmith
    *Hattie M    (married Wyman)    housework    Bingham
    *Wm B     blacksmith    N Berwick

Spiller, Chas F    blacksmith    Elms
    Emeline A    (Ainsley)    housework
    Ethel M    teacher
    Burton L    blacksmith
    Carl A    pupil
    Marjorie B    pupil
    Geo R    pupil
    Lee R    pupil
    Ralph A    

Stacy, Chas C    painter    Winona Hotel
    Ida    (Perkins)    housework
    Ernest    student

Staples, Lester A    Ogunquit    prop Riverside Hotel
    Nora S    (Paul)    housework
    Elliot M    pupil
    Paul L    

Staples, Moses L    Ogunquit    prop Riverside Hotel
    Emily A    (Perkins)    housework
    *Wm L    engineer    Springfield, Mass
    Lester A    hotel prop

Staples, Geo    fisherman    Ogunquit
    Julia    (Cousens)    housework
    *Fred    farmer    Northwood

Staples, Moses W    farmer

Steere, Albert E    N Berwick RFD #2    portable saw bus
    Eva M    (Littlefield)    housework
    Roy G    pupil

Stevens, Clara L    (Knight)    housework
    Carrie W    housework
    Alonzo E    sea captain

Stevens, Geo F    carpenter & farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Laura B    (Thompson)    housework
    *Arthur L    s s foreman    So Berwick
    Chas L    farmer
    Solomon R    clerk
    Bertha M    (married Bragdon)    housework
    Geo C    farmer
    Annie B    housework
    John R    farmer
    Florence     student
    Lester C    pupil
    Jane     pupil
    Grace M    pupil

Stevens, Christina    (McDonald)    RFD #1
    Mary E    (married Fenderson)    housework
    *Robert j    piper    Everett, Mass

Stevens, Lamont A    retired    Wells Depot
    Abbie A    (Hatch)    housework
    *Ernest G    lawyer    52 Broadway, N Y City

Stevens, Eli S    retired
    Mary A    (Butland)    housework

Stevens, Wm A    farmer & millman    Moody
    Martha    (Littlefield)    housework
    Wm H    fisherman
    Chas H    fisherman
    Arthur A    sea captain
    *Mary E    (married Wentworth)    Kennebunk Beach
    Addie L    (married Littlefield)    housework

Stewart, Eliza A    (Willey)    N Berwick
    *Frank    farmer    Rochester, N H
    *Walter G    Rochester, N H
    Bertha    (married Haskell)    housework

Stewart, Joseph    town farm

Stillings, Albion    carpenter
    Georgia A    (Littlefield)    housework
    Hazel B    pupil
    Russell A    pupil
    Marion A    pupil
    Myrtle A    pupil

Storer, Chas     farmer    Ogunquit
    Hattie B    (Winn)

Storer, Joseph G    farmer & mill     
    Isabelle    (Lord)    housework
    Wm J    clerk & teacher
    *Archer M    brakeman    222 E Pacific ave    Spokan, Wash
    *Leslie H    bag master    Reading, Mass

Storer, Wm J    clerk
    Lillian B    (Banks)

Storer, Hartley G    carpenter & farmer    RFD #1
    Annie    (Came)    housework
    Marion S    pupil

Storer, Olive B    (Storer)    Wells Depot

Storer, Benj L    farmer    RFD #1
    Emily F    (Getchell)    housework
    Hartley G    carpenter & farmer
    *Margaret    (married Littlefield)    Kennebunk

Storer, Elizabeth    (Hobbs)    RFD #1
    Isaac H    farmer
    Augusta    (married Getchell)    housework
    *Emma M    (married Brown)    Kennebunk

Storer, Isaac H    s supt & farmer    RFD #1
    Jennie L    (Howes)    housework

Stuart, Rufus    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Catherine    (Spinney)    housework
    Chas    ---
    John     farmer

Stuart, Moses    retired    N Berwick RFD #2
    Almira A    (Stuart)    housework

Stuart, Isabel P    dress maker    N Berwick RFD #2

Studley, Edwin B    prop The Woodbine
    Elizabeth    (Avery)    housework
    Annie    housework
    Fred    farmer


Tapley, Albert J    clerk    Ogunquit
    Helen B    (Littlefield)    housework
    Norris A

Taylor, Marcia    (Young)    West Branch
    Abbie J    (married Nason)    housework
    *Allen A    vet surgeon    Amesbury, Mass

Taylor, Chas J    farm foreman RFD #1
    Cora     (Wormwood)    housework
    Ivie C      teacher 
    A Carmen        student
    Harry A    student
    Donald H

Tebbetts, John A    farmer    Ogunquit
    *Susan A    (married Matthews)     dress maker    York
    J Edward    farm work

Thomas, Geo    sea captain    Ogunquit
    Alice L    (Bragdon)    housework
    Jas W    pupil

Thompson, Francis A    farmer
    Isabel N    (Parsons)    housework
    *Frank A    watch maker    69 Alder, Waltham, Mass
    *Arthur H    painter & p h    Cor Robbins & Tolman, Waltham, Mass

Thompson, Ida    (Goodwin)    
    Clyde    pupil
    Ora    pupil
    Harold    pupil

Thompson, Geo    farmer    Ogunquit
    Charlotte    (Applebee)    housework
    *Effie M    (married Davis)    housework    Lynn, Mass
    S Lizzie    (married Perkins)    housework
    *L N    (married Kellam)    house work    Lynn, Mass
    *Hattie C    book keeper    Lynn, Mass
    *Althea E    (married Rines)    Barton, Vt
    *Mabel J     stenographer    109 State, Boston, Mass

Thompson, Chas H    brakeman    Ogunquit
    Amanda M    (Parsons)    housework
    *Isadore M    teacher    Cambridge, Mass
    *Edwina W    teacher    Kennebunkport

Trafton, W H    clergy    RFD #1
    Mary A    (Jose)
    Mary E    student

Tripp, Biron    blacksmith
    Louise M     (Marine)    housework
    Earl P    pupil
    Clifford    pupil    

Tripp, Mrs Olive L    housework
    Wm M    law

Tripp, Percy    pupil

Tripp, Daniel W    farmer    RFD #1
    Gertrude    (married Hatch)    housework
    Mary U    housework
    *Annie C    (married Dutch)    Kennebunk

Tripp, Harry L    clerk    Ogunquit
    Frances J    (Harvey)    housework

True, Wm E    farmer    RFD #1
    Lena S    (Everett)    housework
    Chas S    pupil
    Serena    pupil

True, Calvin S    prop Hotel Elmwood
    Mary E    (Hill)

Tucker, H H    clergy    Elms
    *Annie C    (married Barnard)    housework    Danville, P Q
    *Irving    plumber    Boston
    *Mary L    book keeper    Boston
    Mary A    (Burpee)    housework
    Thelma C

Tufts, Arthur B    farmer    Berwick Branch
    Annie T    (Clark)    housework
    Delbert A    pupil
    Kenneth J    pupil
    Stella M    pupil

Turnbull, Wm    laborer
    Nellie    (---)    

Turner, Wm    R R service

Turner, Thomas    R R service


Wainwright, A J    engineer    RFD #1
    Winnifred R    (May    )    housework
    Frank Z    pupil
    Emma E    

Wakefield, Geo W Jr     farmer    RFD #1
    Myra E    (Hatch)    housework

Wakefield, Geo W    farmer    RFD #1
    Myra E    (Hatch)    housework

Wakefield, Geo W    farmer    RFD #1
    *Carrie A    (married Burgess)    housework    Kennebunk
    Geo W Jr    farmer
    *Chas A    traveling salesman    Richmond
    *Frank W    s s work    Newburyport, Mass
    *Howard C    clerk    Kennebunk

Wakefield, Mary J    housework    RFD #1

Warren, Franklin    farmer    Elms
    Lydia    (Kimball)    housework

Warren, Laura E    housework    Berwick Branch

Waterhouse, Joseph    Wells Depot    undertaker
    Nellie O    student
    Lou S    student
    Fred F    pupil
    Marion A    pupil

Weare, Geo A     farmer    Ogunquit
    Abbie E    (Parsons)    housework
    *Ethel C    (married Perkins)    housework

Weare, Edw T    Ogunquit    prop Cliff House
    Bertha    (Perkins)    household

Webb, Fannie    (married Cole)    Ogunquit
    Herbert    fish pedler
    *Ora     (married Mouton)    York

Weeks, Frank D    farmer    RFD #1
    Blanche    (Littlefield)    housework
    J Earle    pupil
    Flo E    pupil
    B Fay

Welch, Jefferson    farmer    Berwick Branch
    Dora A    (Betts)    housework
    Guy L    laborer
    Wade H    laborer

Welch, Chas     farmer    Berwick Branch

Welch, John    farmer

Welch, Lydia    housework

Welch, Reginald    farmer    RFD #1
    Nellie E    (May)    housework
    Minnie R

Welch, Langdon    fisherman
    Mary O    (Winn)    housework
    *Herbert E    mill operator    Lowell, Mass
    Hermon    sailor
    Clarence A    farmer

Wells, N Webster    farmer & carpenter
    *Wilmont    locomotive engineer    62 Robert, Portland
    Alice D    housework

Wells, John L    farmer    Elms
    Emily J    (Littlefield)    housework
    Hannah A    dress maker
    Olive     housework

Wells, Annie    housework

Wells, Herbert T    farmer    RFD #1
    Louise F    (Forbes)    housework
    Rodney H

Wells, Benj F    farmer
    *Lottie A    (Roberts)    Merrimac, Mass
    *Arthur A    conductor    Boston, Mass
    *Hattie A    (married Annis)    N Berwick
    Frank    student

Wentworth, Mrs Lydia    housework
    Geo     U S N
    Annie    housework
    Fred R    U S N

Wentworth, Marion E    housework
    Wentworth, Geo    barber
    Eva     (Littlefield)    housework

West, Lewis    retired    N Berwick RFD #2
    Susan J    (Bennett)    housework

West, Eliza E    (Cross)    housework    N Berwick RFD #2
    John E    farmer

West, Chas H    millman    N Berwick RFD #2

West, Emily    (Perkins)    housework
    Lovey    (married Littlefield)    housework
    Oliver    farmer

West, Ernest C    teamster    RFD #1

Wheeler, Chas    farmer
    Annie B    (Yeaton)    housework
    Helen M    pupil
    Geo E

White, Jas S    carpenter     Ogunquit
    Flora M    (Hasty)    housework
    Helen M    student
    Eva H    pupil
    Everett C    pupil
    Jas S Jr    

Whitehouse, W B    retired

Whitlock, Andrew W    Ogunquit    scaler & teamster
    Bertha    (Walker)    housework
    Ruth K
    Lillian G

Wilkinson, Jas F    farmer
    Sarah F    (Ricker)    housework

Williams, Daniel    farmer
    Olive    (Cole)
    *Wm G    Insurance agent    Malden, Mass
    *Chas H    carpenter & builder    Somerville, Mass

Williams, Jas A    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Elizabeth A    (Brooks)    housework
    *Archie H    laundry work    Old Orchard
    Harry A    laborer

Williams, Warren E    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Hattie J    (Littlefield)    housework

Williams, Pamelia    (Furbush)
    Hattie W    (married Moody)

Williams, Oliver J    farmer     Moody
    Delia    (Dailey)    housework
    Mary E    housework
    Lucius R    hotel steward

Williams, Geo    employee Mousam Water Co
    Lonia O    (Kaler)    housework
    *Carrie    (married Stacey)    housework    10 Gilbert, Malden, Mass
    *Lottie M    stenographer    10 Gilbert, Malden, Mass
    Georgia E    student

Williams, Rufus    retired

Willis, Thomas F    R R service
    Emma M    (Morse)     housework
    Florence M    pupil
    Arthur T    pupil

Wilson, Frederick A    auto business
    Almira T    (Allen)    housework
    Harold R    pupil
    Hortense    pupil

Wilson, Helen    seamstress

Winn, Augusta J    (Boston)    housework
    Abbie A    (married Boston)    housework
    Joseph S    carpenter
    Jennie A    (married Eaton)    housework

Winn, J S    carpenter
    *Newell    J    factory operator    Dover, N H
    Julia E    (Roberts)    housework
    Guy R    farm work
    Raymond    farm work
    J Frederick    pupil

Winn, Albert    farmer    N Berwick RFD #2
    Nora    (Littlefield)    
    Prudence    pupil

Winn, Frank L    farm work     Moody

Winn, Chas    farmer    Ogunquit

Winn, Wm    farmer    Ogunquit
    Lizzie    (married Dixon)    housework
    *Louise    (married O'Connell)    housework    Somersworth, N H

Wormwood, Archie H    saw    N Berwick RFD #2
    Coral A    (Goodwin)    housework
    Ora A    pupil
    Percy L    pupil
    Edith A    pupil


York, Alvin    fisherman & laborer
    Sarah M    (Green)    housework
    Lillian F    (married Moody)    housework
    J Kenneth    laborer
    Harry H    laborer
    A Carl    laborer
    Frank H    pupil
    Ruby    pupil

York, Mary E    (Burns)    mill operator    Ogunquit

York, Ida    housework

York, Geo    pupil

York, Joseph    pupil

York, Chas    pupil    RFD #1

York, Everett    pupil    RFD #1

York, Mabel    pupil

York, Harry    pupil    RFD #1

York, Wm H    general work
    Sarah A    (Littlefield)    housework
    Howard    laborer
    Harriet F    (married Littlefield)

York, Howard    laborer
    J Irving    pupil
    Earl E    pupil
    Mildred N    pupil

York, Enoch    laborer

Young, Wm    laborer    Ogunquit
    Iva E    (Northway)    housework




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